![]() Damn he looked good, all muscled and a little sweaty. She could almost taste him, the slightly salty texture of his skin. Her knees trembled as his tongue slipped out of his mouth to lick away a drop of mayonnaise. Ah hell, this was not going to work. She was not going to be able to spend every night working on the house, watching him, listening to his deep voice and remain unmoved. Even arguing with her, he was sexy as hell. Samantha Whitney had life by the ass; great friends, a great job, and for the first time a place to really settle and call home. Maybe it was a beaten up bungalow she spent every last dime on at auction but it was hers, free and clear. At least until the code inspector came knocking at the door with a list a mile long and a ninety day deadline. With little more than pocket change, Samantha was screwed. She had no choice but to seek some volunteer service. Sergeant Jared Steel was dazed the first time he saw Samantha. As prickly as she was gorgeous, she left him wanting more. Though her tainted view of men in uniform led the former Marine turned police officer to keep his mind focused on the work at hand. However, as Samantha’s impulsive and risky decisions make more work for Jared, he starts to believe that she not only needs a handy man, but a man handy enough to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. Here's a snippet: He had all the right equipment in all the right places, was incredibly attractive, had a sense of humor and his smile was devastatingly appealing, but it wasn’t his smile that concerned her. It was his frowns, which would eventually lead to scolding. From there things would go downhill each and every time she didn’t do precisely what he said. She’d seen guys like him a hundred times, even fallen hard for a few, and it always turned out badly. Usually, she could spot them a mile away. Military men had a certain bearing about them. It was in the way they walked, that no nonsense, stick up their ass stride that gave them away. They could be fun in the beginning, but sooner or later a girl would do something they didn’t approve of and the next thing she knew she’d be listening to a clip-toned lecture, at best. At worst he’d be advancing on her with a gleam in his eyes that clearly suggested she’d better straighten up and fly right. Sam didn’t particularly enjoy flying right. She was not a stealth jet. She saw herself as more of a butterfly, going where she pleased and doing what she wanted. For years she’d withstood the rigid control of her Daddy. There was only one way to do things as far as he was concerned, his way, which was nearly always the military way. How her mother endured it year after year Sam would never understand, yet her mother seemed happy. Satisfied in some way her daughter could not fathom. “What’s up, buttercup?” Jared asked as he walked in the door. “Did you have a good day at work?” “It was okay,” she replied noncommittally. Crap he even smelled good. She moved further away. “Something wrong?” he asked, setting down his toolbox. “No, not really,” she began. “I just…” “Just what?” “Why did you kiss me last night?” she finally demanded, stiffening her backbone. “I don’t know. I guess I just felt like it,” he replied calmly as he got out the tools he would need. “Do you do everything you ‘just feel like’?” she asked. Jared laughed and straightened up. “Of course not, I’m a cop, remember?” “I remember.” “I have no desire lose my job or go to jail, or I would have blistered your ass for the destruction you created in that room.” “You’re joking, right?” she asked taking a step back. “Sure, I’m joking,” he answered, but his eyes said differently. Sam took another step back and swallowed the lump in her throat. He wasn’t kidding. She knew it as surely as she knew her own name, and he was just enough of a man to do it too. Crap, what a shame when most of the time she really liked him. Oh well, he’d be out of her life soon enough. Once her house passed inspection she would have little reason to contact Sergeant Jared Steel.: Amazon Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars Perfection! Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2022 Her Handyman by Stevie MacFarlane was a very enjoyable read. Sam definitely had her share of issues, and no way did she want a relationship with the overly protective, caring and just a little bit bossy cop, Jared. The two tangled throughout the book. When I actually believed the author was giving us just a little steamy read oh boy did she turn up the heat! Stevie MacFarlane brought it! I'm still blushing. Kudos! Buy Links: Amazon Universal Book Link Thanks for stopping by. Stevie
November 2024